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Dr. Ahmed Oteafy


Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Alfaisal University Member of the IEEE Control Systems Society.

iDNA related research interests include chaos theory, control theory, electric machines, power electronics, and applications of renewable energy.

Dr. Tarek Mokhtar (Founder and Coordinator)


Architect, Arch-robotics Designer,

Executive Editor of the Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology
Member of the Institute for Intelligent Materials, Systems and Environments (iMSE), Cornell U, USA
Assistant Professor and Chairman of Architectural Engineering, Al Faisal University, Riyadh, KSA


Our Team

Dr. Samer Mansour


Assistant Professor of Software Engineering, College of Engineering, Alfaisal University. Samer has worked as a HMI/SCADA software developer at Trihedral Engineering Ltd. iDNA related interests include Model Predictive Control, Networked Control Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, HMI/SCADA software, automatic generation of GUI interfaces in HMI/SCADA applications.

Dr. Abd-Elhamid M. Taha


Assistant Professor and Chairman of Electrical Engineering at Alfaisal University, KSA, has written and lectured extensively on broadband wireless networks, focusing on radio resource management techniques. He is the co-author of the book ‘LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX: Toward IMT-Advanced Networks’ by Wiley & Sons and a presenter for several tutorials at flagship IEEE communication Society events. Dr. Taha’s other interests include scalability issues in the Internet of Things and modeling challenges in networked cyber physical systems.


Work-in Progress

Dr. Hassan Zohair Ahmed


Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Alfaisal University. He is an editorial board member of the American Journal of Energy Engineering (AJEE) and the Building Technology and Engineering Magazine, the Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs, Riyadh, KSA.iDNA related interests include Energy Systems Analysis, New and Renewable Energy, and Aerospace & Propulsion Systems.

Dr. Nidal Nasser


Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia. Associate editor of Wiley’s International Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. Dr. Nasser is a member of several IEEE technical committees. He received Fund for Scholarly and Professional. iDNA related research interests include wireless and mobile sensors networks, online monitoring systems, RFID, broadband wireless networks and cloud computing.

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