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Teaching and Research Visions

From a pedagogical perspective, there is a growing worldwide interest in the schools of architecture, design, and engineering to incorporate trans-disciplinary approaches in their studies. Currently, no known research groups in the Arab World had started that endeavor. With no doubt, the need to learn how others think differently is an important as learning one's discipline. Teaching our future engineers to participate in trans-disciplinary projects will help our society to start new markets of intelligent products, instead of importing them. Culturally, we need to start to produce things that reflect our identity and help in promoting our cultures world-widely.


Internships and capstone projects are good examples were we can convey the trans-disciplinary philosophy to our students; by teaming our future (architectural, electrical, mechanical, industrial, and software) engineers in groups, they will be able to envision, design, and prototype intelligent systems that are not possible without their engagement and interaction.


We think that iDNA research group will open new markets and industries that had not yet existed in our world. In addition, with our ongoing hopes at Al Faisal University to have post-doctoral researchers, iDNA is the best fit that can open such possibilities and encourage top-class researchers to join our university.


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