iDNA Research Group
The intelligent DesigN and Art Research Group
What We Do
We are interested in designing, prototyping, and evaluating intelligent systems and technologies. Our research is based on designing human-centered systems to fulfill users' current and future needs and challenges, toward a native "interactive systems". Changes in human activities and thus their connections to space is providing us with a new platform to design new spaces. While new experiences emerge, evolution in architectural and environmental types is critically needed.
Contexts & Scopes
Small size contexts, includes but not limited to: toys, furniture, small scale objects (e.g., cup, toaster, microwave, etc.), and small scale fixtures.
Medium size contexts, includes but not limited to: art installations, interactive buildings' skins, walls, and armatures.
Large size contexts, includes but not limited to: spaces for: learning, working, dwelling, entertaining, shopping, medicating, and banking.
X-Large size contexts, includes but not limited to: monuments, landscapes, museums, and airports.