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What We Do

We are interested in designing, prototyping, and evaluating intelligent systems and technologies. Our research is based on designing human-centered systems to fulfill users' current and future needs and challenges, toward a native "interactive systems". Changes in human activities and thus their connections to space is providing us with a new platform to design new spaces. While new experiences emerge, evolution in architectural and environmental types is critically needed.


Contexts & Scopes





Small size contexts, includes but not limited to: toys, furniture, small scale objects (e.g., cup, toaster, microwave, etc.), and small scale fixtures.

Medium size contexts, includes but not limited to: art installations, interactive buildings' skins, walls, and armatures.

Large size contexts, includes but not limited to: spaces for: learning, working, dwelling, entertaining, shopping, medicating, and banking.

X-Large size contexts, includes but not limited to: monuments, landscapes, museums, and airports.

© 2013-2018 Alfaisal University, KSA

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